
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Happy Day!

It's been a long wait since Dec. 28th 2012!
My hubby woke me up to take him to work that day and said just take the pregnancy test already!
So I anxiously rolled out of bed with a nervous smile on my face as I grabbed the pregnancy test...

Wait so I should give you a little background before I finish the story.  I share this only because I feel like women don't share much about the struggles of fertility and how hard it is on us so I always said when I get pregnant I want people to know our journey of how we got here. 
We weren't one of those lucky couples who just thinks about having a 
baby and it happens!  We have been seriously trying for over a year and half naturally. I unfortunately had a miscarriage in Feb. of 2012 which was harder to deal with than I had ever thought but it also meant it was possible!  So after our trip to Europe this past fall I finally made an appt. with the fertility specialist.  We ran all the tests blah, blah nothing was majorly wrong (thankfully) so I automatically got placed into the category of "unexplained fertility".  
The doctor advised us our first go at it would be with the drug clomid combined with an IUI.  Now mind you my chances with this method was only an 8-10% chance because I do have a slightly lower ovarian reserve than most woman my age.  So when I left the office and called my husband we felt a little depressed because those odds didn't seem great to us.  At any rate we prayed long and hard about starting the process and just knew that it was all in God's hands anyway so we'll give it a go.

I started the beginning of December and had an IUI on Dec. 15th and 13 days later I was pregnant!
Now granted it is not always that easy and although we struggled I know we were overly blessed to have that process work the first time.  My heart goes out to all the woman struggling with fertility and I've watched many people go through it.  It is one of the toughest things a woman goes through and it's hard to talk about.  So when I saw the double line on that pee stick that morning I smiled looked up at my husband and said it's positive!!!! 
I was shaking and he was dancing all over our dressing room with joy.
Although we were over joyed it is still so nerve racking and the first 12-13 weeks are so scary.  So as we push into 13 weeks we still pray for the health of our baby and know this journey is just really beginning.  Praise God for his amazing creation of life.

Watch My Belly Grow...



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